Our Platform Part 2 – Phase MVP Out-of-the-Box Capabilities: Ensuring our Platform is the Right Solution

First published Dec 14th 2022, 12:42 am.

This is a continuation from Our Platform Part 1 – Envisioning a Full-Stack Solution with the Capacity to Power Any Start-up, Prototype, MVP, or SME.

The roll-out of the platform is targeting 3 phases of functional milestones via an agile iterative product improvement focus.

Phase 1 – 2022 – 2023

Phase 1 commenced early 2022, building upon almost a decade of MEAN and AWS development in the data visualization space with a non-technical client-centric focus. It targets start-ups and small businesses with immediate technical and data requirements – including users, objects, enquiries, payments, data exploring, ingestion, dashboards, and logging.

The pre-seed and seed round is self-funded with an MVP available for internal testing 2023. Interested third party and partner invitations beginning April 2023, ready for end-user testing and feedback for further iterative improvement of the platform to perfect a product-market fit. This agile iterative approach will remain indefinitely.

Functional goals:

  • User authentication, registration, roles, permissions, API keys, access control levels (ACL) and teams
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) of data schemas, field types, models, collections/datasets, and objects
  • Real-time dashboards, dashboard templates, graphs, data explorer and data flow, meta-data, dashboard widgets and sections, operational information
  • Support for multiple databases of multiple types streamed into a single central system, ie. MongoDB, DocumentDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch
  • Automated data backups, data change and update history, and timed snapshots of defined datasets
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) of scripts controlling automated ingestion of data source to target, API calls, data syncing from third parties, and custom scripts accessible via CRON and API
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) of organisations, projects, teams, tasks, tickets as well as complete control over identifying and forming linked data relationships between any object type on the platform
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) of maps, locations, areas, groups, and multiple map linkage, map styles, custom maps (ie internal maps, exoplanets, floor plans) and dynamic editing on individual maps themselves
  • Live and historical feed of all full-stack logs: API, user actions, user details, data ingestion and updates, infrastructure
  • File storage and file access control
  • Infrastructure ingestion rate at 360,000 matured objects per hour, handling 1000 users concurrently, seamless upscaling with demand at 100% uptime

Phase 2 – 2023 – 2024

Phase 2 branches out into preparation for more business operational control and includes project management workflows, third party integration and multi-solution data synchronization, logistics and fleet monitoring, bookings and calendars, financial data and reports, alarms, and alerts.

A focus on development of phase 2 features to begin mid-2023 with expected release 2024. Alpha levels of phase 2 functionality exists and to be continually improved upon until ready for client release throughout 2023. During this stage, series A, angel investing, and partnerships are to be tentatively explored while continuing to iterate product based on first-wave client feedback.

Functional goals:

  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) alarms, alerts and thresholds based on incoming and processed data, notifying via email or SMS
  • Third-party SaaS data synchronised with platform to power internal operations and workflow Initially Salesforce, Zendesk, Stripe, Mailchimp & Mandrill
  • Build upon organisations, projects, tasks, and tickets data with improved project management workflow, dashboards, and capabilities
  • Calendars and bookings system for managing staff, rooms, locations, and scheduling
  • Logistics, fleet monitoring and inventory system built on top of maps and locations data
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) of devices, their configuration and settings, location and ingestion into the platform, including image capture, field data and live streams
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) workflow tasks to apply to current collected data via platform provided capabilities including:
    • Forecasts and estimates based on current data
    • Facial recognition
    • Text recognition,
    • Car counting and number plates
    • People and crowd counting
    • Object recognition
  • Public and private facing templates available for application, including landing page templates, user action and profile templates, database explorer and data presentation templates automatically synced with associated backend
  • Infrastructure ingestion rate at 3.6 million matured objects per hour, handling 5000 users concurrently, seamless upscaling with demand at 100% uptime

Phase 3 – 2024 to 2077

Phase 3 covers the gradual iterative agile development process moving towards enterprise-grade support and integration, supporting billions of data objects, thousands of internal clients, and millions of public users. The workflow system can be pointed at data using machine learning and artificial intelligence for advanced forecasting and date foresight. Environments run in an automated cloud infrastructure with a robust continual integration and deployment process, security monitoring, standards and accreditation, and seamless horizontal and vertical auto-scaling. Support for larger data lake and warehousing is integrated for greater data capacity and speeds. Potential Series B an onwards as well as a focus on international partnerships and investment opportunities.

Functional goals:

  • Increased focus on propriety and code for enterprise clients, custom modulization of advanced client-specific logic and intellectual property protection
  • Automated crawling of global public data feeds and APIs for permanent and automated ingestion of data made available to users of the platform
  • Integration with neural networks, client-specific models and cutting-edge machine learning methods for improved data foresight and forecast estimates
  • Infrastructure capable of theoretical unlimited ingestion rate and unlimited concurrent usage, integration with enterprise-grade data warehouses and data lakes, end-to-end continuous integration, and deployment to multiple environments, with seamless horizontal and vertical upscaling on demand at 100% uptime

Part 3 Coming Mid December 2022: Phase 1 Case Study Examples and Meeting Requirements


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